100% natural: not nature-inspired or nature-identical.
Local make and local ingredients sourced responsibly are better for the people and the planet.
Bulgarian yoghurt is in a class of its own with its minerals, vitamins and good fats.
High in fat, sheep, goat and buffalo milk are skin-bliss for their softening and restorative qualities.
We pour them fresh into the soaps, preserving their hydrating and emollient benefits.
Our soaps are not enriched with precious oils – they are made of them.
Cold-pressed sunflower oil, high in linoleic acid and natural Vitamin E has a nourishing effect on the skin.
Rosehip oil from wild-harvested rosehip - a luxurious oil effective in cell and tissue regeneration. Olive oil and shea butter are well-known for their moisturising and protective skin qualities.
Our perfumes: pure essential oils, starring Bulgarian lavender across our range.